Head injuries can be life-changing or fatal. It is important to be aware of potential hazards and always wear the proper head personal protective equipment, or PPE. Take this course to learn about head protection basics, the types of head protection, how to use it, and how to care for it. Ideal learners are all workers in the industrial, construction and service sectors who are required to use PPE to safely perform essential tasks for their job.
There is no cure for noise-induced hearing loss. The prevention of excessive unprotected noise exposure is the only way to avoid hearing damage. Take this course to learn about hearing personal protective equipment, or PPE, basics, the selection process, how to use it and how to care for it. Ideal learners are all workers in the industrial, construction and service sectors who are required to use PPE to safely perform essential tasks for their job.
Hazardous materials can enter your body by ingestion, absorption, injection or inhalation. Proper respirator usage can protect you from inhalation hazards. Take this course to learn about respiratory protection basics, the types of respiratory protection, how to use it, and how to care for it. Ideal learners are all workers in the industrial, construction and service sectors who are required to use PPE to safely perform essential tasks for their job.
Powered industrial trucks like forklifts, motorized pallet jacks, tuggers, tow motors and other powered equipment are used every day to lift and move equipment or materials. Because of the high risk of injury and even death while operating a powered industrial truck, some use and training recommendations have been developed to improve safety. Employers may assign this course after incidents or to help with ongoing refresher needs. Ideal learners are those who operate powered industrial trucks and their supervisors.
L’utilisation de chariots industriels motorisés, comme les chariots élévateurs à fourches, permet aux opérateurs de lever, de transporter, d’empiler, de pousser ou de tirer de manière sécuritaire des objets qui sont trop gros ou encombrants à déplacer manuellement. Que vous soyez un opérateur ou une personne qui dirige des opérateurs, cette série de cours vous aidera à comprendre des principes de sécurité fondamentaux qui serviront de base pour la formation pratique que vous recevrez sur l’équipement et les dangers propres à votre lieu de travail.
Using powered industrial trucks, such as forklifts, safely enables operators to lift, carry, stack, push or pull materials that are too large or cumbersome to move by hand. Whether you are an operator or someone who manages operators, this series of courses will help you understand some basic safety principles that will lay the foundation for hands-on training about the specific equipment and hazards at your workplace. You are required to complete all courses and pass all assessments within this suite in order to receive the stated CEU Credits.