New! Healthy Buildings

Safe and healthy buildings lead to safe and healthy occupants. These courses are a great way for building owners, managers and tenants to learn how to make the conditions in their buildings better for everyone. 

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Healthy Buildings Suite (IACET CEU=0.2)

Are the indoor spaces that you own and manage healthy for their occupants? Take this suite to learn about key issues like safe drinking water, maintaining indoor air quality and dealing with tenant concerns about electromagnetic fields. Understanding what impacts these issues, how to monitor and correct them and how to address tenant concerns can help building owners, managers and corporations build environments that support occupant health, well-being and comfort. Ideal learners are facility and property managers and owners

Healthy Buildings: Assessing Drinking Water (US)

Clean drinking water is something many people take for granted. It's important to know the standards for safe, potable water. Take this course to learn about those standards as well as some of the common sources of pollution. This course is ideal for facility and property managers and owners.

Healthy Buildings: Crystalline Silica Awareness

Construction, demolition and maintenance activities on or near your property can negatively affect air quality, especially when the work generates crystalline silica dust. There are actions you can take to make sure personnel, tenants and visitors remain healthy. Take this course to learn what crystalline silica is, how it gets into the air, the health effects it can cause and how to control it. This course is ideal for facility and property managers and owners.

Healthy Buildings: Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Awareness

Electric and magnetic fields, also known as electromagnetic fields or EMFs, are waves of electric and magnetic energy moving together. These energy fields surround us all the time. Take this course to learn about sources and types of EMFs, potential effects, and how to communicate about EMFs with tenants, employees and visitors. This course is ideal for facility and property managers and owners.

Healthy Buildings: Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

If you do an internet search about indoor air quality, you may become overwhelmed or even alarmed at the information you find. The good news is that indoor air quality is something anyone with the right information can help manage. The goal of this course is to give you that information so that you can feel confident in your understanding about the impact of indoor air quality on health, the common causes of indoor air pollution, and what to do to improve air quality in any space. This course is ideal for facility and property managers and owners.

Healthy Buildings: Lead Awareness

Lead is a highly toxic material that can affect construction workers and building occupants and potentially be tracked home to family members. If materials in your building contain lead, such as paint, you must ensure that you are approaching the project with all the necessary precautions. Take this course to learn more about lead, its health effects, where it may be present and how to control it. This course is ideal for facility and property managers and owners.