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Culture of Early Reporting (Portuguese)

Quanto mais pessoas monitorarem a segurança da sua empresa, melhor! Faça este curso e saiba como a sua empresa pode criar uma cultura da notificação precoce para melhorar o desempenho em segurança. Os alunos ideais incluem gestores, supervisores, membros de comitês de segurança.

Cyber Security

People, information, operations and systems are critical assets of an organization. Protecting the safety, confidentiality, integrity and availability of these assets is essential to maintaining profitability, compliance, public image and a competitive edge. Cyber security is the responsibility of everyone. This course will explain what the dangers are and what you can do to help. Ideal learners include all employees.

Defensive Driving - Large Vehicles

Most vehicle accidents are actually the result of human error. If an error is made at the wrong moment, an accident or collision will result. A consistent, defensive approach to driving is the best way to reduce the likelihood of driver error. The goal of this course is to provide drivers of large vehicles with the knowledge and safe driving techniques they need to prevent collisions and violations.

Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles

A split-second decision can change your life, especially when you are behind the wheel of a fast-moving, heavy vehicle. Take this course to refresh your memory about safe driving practices, particularly what you need to do before you drive, while you drive and in the event of an accident. Ideal learners include anyone who drives cars or other small vehicles such as small service trucks and vans.

Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Spanish)

Una fracción de segundo puede cambiar su vida, especialmente si está detrás del volante de un vehículo pesado que se mueve rápido. Tome este curso para recordar las prácticas de conducción segura, particularmente lo que debe hacer antes de conducir, mientras conduce y en caso de accidente. Los participantes ideales son las persona que conducen coches o vehículos pequeños.

Distracted Driving

When you are driving, taking your eyes and mind off the road for even a few seconds can result in an accident. By failing to give full attention to the road, distracted drivers put themselves, their passengers and everyone else on the road at risk. This course presents strategies drivers can use to remain focused on the road. It is ideal for all drivers.