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Office Safety (Canadian French)

Bien que les accidents de personnel de bureau soient généralement moins fréquents que les incidents touchant les ouvriers industriels, ils se produisent quand même et peuvent entraîner des blessures graves, voire la mort. La sécurité au bureau est la responsabilité de tous. Vous devez comprendre ce que vous pouvez faire pour rester en sécurité au travail, et vous devez savoir quelles actions prendre pour remédier aux situations dangereuses. Cet atelier fournit les informations nécessaires pour travailler en toute sécurité, dans votre environnement, au bureau. Le public cible pour cet atelier comprend les travailleurs de bureau, les travailleurs à domicile et les travailleurs à distance.

Office Safety (US)

Although accidents involving office personnel generally occur less frequently than mishaps to industrial workers, they do still occur and can result in serious injuries and even death. Everyone is responsible for office safety. You must understand what you can do to stay safe on the job, and you need to be aware of how to correct unsafe conditions. This course provides the information you need to work safer in your office environment. Ideal learners are all office workers.

Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety

Anyone who works with cranes knows not to underestimate the daily risk of collapse, electrical accidents, falls and other serious incidents. The power that makes overhead, gantry and similar cranes so useful also makes them dangerous. By properly maintaining and operating the cranes with which you work, you can protect yourself and your co-workers. Ideal learners are crane operators and their supervisors.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview

Workplaces can be very dangerous and unpredictable places with loud noises, falling objects, flying sparks, toxic chemicals, whirling blades and belts, you name it. So what is one way to keep yourself safe? By wearing personal protective equipment, commonly known as PPE, you can protect yourself against hazards and reduce your chances of getting hurt or even killed.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (US)

Workplaces can be very dangerous and unpredictable places with loud noises, falling objects, flying sparks, toxic chemicals, whirling blades and belts, and more. So what is one way to keep yourself safe? By wearing personal protective equipment, commonly known as PPE, you can protect yourself against hazards and reduce your chances of getting hurt or even killed.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Parts 1-10 (Chinese)
