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Fire Watch (Spanish)

Cada año se producen muchos incendios en el lugar de trabajo como resultado del trabajo en caliente, incluyendo corte, soldadura y otros trabajos que generan calor y chispas. El trabajo en caliente se hace a menudo sin implementar una vigilancia contra incendios adecuada. La mayoría, si no todos, los incidentes del trabajo en caliente son completamente prevenibles. Una vigilancia contra incendios, realizada correctamente, es una de las maneras más importantes de mantener a los trabajadores seguros durante el trabajo en caliente y evitar daños y destrucción de la propiedad. Este curso cubre el rol y las responsabilidades del vigilante de incendios. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.

First Aid - Basics

Incidents requiring first aid can happen anywhere and at any time. The first response to such an incident is the most important. First aid given at the scene can improve the chances of survival and recovery of a victim. This course presents ways to respond to basic first aid situations until the emergency medical services personnel arrive. Ideal learners are all employees.

First Aid - Basics (Korean)

응급처치를 요하는 사고는 언제 어디서나 발생할 수 있습니다. 이러한 사고 발생 시 첫 대응이 가장 중요합니다. 사고 현장에서 바로 응급처치를 하면 사고 피해자의 생존 확률이 높아지고 회복 속도도 빨라집니다. 이 교육과정은 응급의료서비스 대원이 사고 현장에 도착할 때까지 기초 응급처치가 필요한 상황에 대처할 수 있는 방안들을 소개합니다. 이 교육의 적합한 대상은 모든 직원입니다.

First Aid - Basics (US)

Incidents requiring first aid can happen anywhere and at any time. The first response to such an incident is the most important. First aid given at the scene can improve the chances of survival and recovery of a victim. This course presents ways to respond to basic first aid situations until the emergency medical services (EMS) personnel arrive. Ideal learners include all employees.

First Aid - Medical Emergencies

Injuries, both on and off the job, represent a significant health problem. The outcome of injuries depends on not only the severity of the injury, but also on the rendering of first aid care. Prompt, properly administered first aid care can mean the difference between life and death. This course will cover a variety of emergency scenarios and the appropriate first aid care. Ideal learners are all employees.

First Aid - Medical Emergencies (US)

Injuries, both on and off the job, represent a significant health problem. The outcome of injuries depends on not only the severity of the injury, but also on the rendering of first aid care. Prompt, properly administered first aid care can mean the difference between life and death. This course will cover a variety of emergency scenarios and the appropriate first aid care.