Flammable and Combustible Liquids

Petrol is a flammable liquid, and practically everyone uses it to fuel their vehicles. But flammable and combustible liquids are dangerous. Something as simple as whether or not you promptly put a liquid in a flammable liquid storage cabinet can be a matter of life or death. This course covers risks associated with flammable and combustible liquids, and general safety procedures such as proper storage and use. Ideal learners are all employees.

Product Specifications

Course Objectives:

  • Recognize flammable and combustible liquids and their dangers;Recall flammable and combustible liquid safety procedures;Identify proper storage methods for flammable and combustible liquids;Recall housekeeping and other fire control measures to prevent fires and explosions involving flammable and combustible liquids
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Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (US)

You do not want to be near a rocket or fragmentation bomb when it goes off. Well, that is what a compressed gas cylinder may become if used improperly. The course will teach you about the hazards of these highly pressurized containers, how they must be labeled, and how they must be stored, handled and transported to prevent leaks, burns and explosions. Ideal learners include employees who work with or around compressed gas cylinders.

Cleaning Up Small Chemical Spills

Spills in the workplace are almost inevitable. Because of the range and quantity of substances used in laboratories, manufacturing facilities and other work areas, preplanning is needed to respond safely to chemical spills. Spills should be cleaned up only by knowledgeable and experienced staff. This training will provide the information needed to handle small chemical spills in the workplace. Ideal learners are those who work around chemicals.

Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness

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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Awareness

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