Workers are exposed to hazardous chemical products every day. This poses serious problems for exposed workers and their employers. Hazard Communication (HazCom) training is designed to provide workers in California with the information they need to recognize and avoid hazardous chemicals. This course will introduce learners to the content of Proposition 65 and the federal and California HazCom Standards. It will also explain how to use Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and chemical labels to prepare for hazards or react to exposures. This course is ideal for all employees in California.
Hazardous chemicals are present on most construction sites and can put people at risk. The chemicals and their uses may be different for each job, but how we should communicate about hazards is the same. Take these courses to learn about written program, label and safety data sheet requirements. Knowing what to expect and how to find safety information could prevent you from being hurt. This course is ideal for all construction workers.
En la mayoría de los sitios de construcción hay químicos peligrosos que pueden representar un riesgo para el personal. Los químicos y sus usos pueden ser diferentes en cada obra, pero la manera en que se deben comunicar los riesgos es igual. Tome estos cursos para aprender acerca de los requisitos de programas escritos, etiquetas y hojas de datos de seguridad. Saber qué esperar y cómo encontrar información de seguridad podría impedir que usted se lesione. Este curso es ideal para todos los trabajadores de la construcción.
Workers are near hazardous chemical products every day. This poses serious problems for potentially exposed workers and their employers. Hazard identification and classification training is designed to provide workers with the information they need to recognize and avoid hazardous chemicals. This course will introduce learners to everything from the content of a hazardous chemical information program to how to use Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and chemical labels to prepare for hazards or react to exposures. Ideal learners are all employees who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals.
Labels keep us informed all the time. Labels inform our diet decisions, ensure we take the right medicines in the right amounts, and keep us safe at heights and in tight spaces. In the workplace, labels communicate hazards, precautions and exposure treatment for hazardous substances.
Les étiquettes nous tiennent informés tout le temps. Les étiquettes éclairent nos décisions en matière d’alimentation, nous aident à prendre les bons médicaments à la bonne dose, nous protègent en hauteur et dans les espaces restreints. Au travail, les étiquettes signalent les dangers, indiquent les précautions à prendre, et l’intervention à effectuer en cas d’exposition à une substance dangereuse.