The Advanced Safety Orientation for Managers and Supervisors in General Industry program is ideal for general industry workers. While this program contains some of the same courses included in other advanced orientation programs, the program for managers/supervisors features safety management information and an even wider range of topics.
In our fast-paced world, it seems that many drivers carry their frustrations and impatience into their vehicles with them. Road rage is something you must be aware of and control as a driver. This training is designed to give you the information you need to avoid becoming the victim of road rage or succumbing to it. Ideal learners are all drivers.
Ammonia can cause blindness, lung damage and death, but the good news is you can control your exposure to it. Take this course to learn how to safely identify, store and handle ammonia. You will also learn what to do in the event of an ammonia exposure or leak. This course is ideal for anyone who works with or near ammonia.
Electrical standards do not just help you comply with the law, they keep you safe! You are already familiar with electrical terms and hazards. Take this course to learn about NFPA 70E and what it means for you. Stay compliant and stay safe! Ideal learners are people in all industries, particularly supervisors, electrical workers and safety managers.
Les normes électriques ne vous aident pas seulement à vous conformer à la loi, elles vous gardent en sécurité! Vous connaissez déjà les termes et les dangers de l'électricité. Suivez ce cours pour en savoir plus sur la norme NFPA 70E et ce que cela signifie pour vous. Restez conforme et restez en sécurité! Les apprenants idéaux comprennent le personnel de toutes les industries, en particulier les superviseurs, les préposés aux travaux électrique, ainsi que les responsables de la sécurité.
Las normas de electricidad no solo le ayudan a cumplir con la ley, sino que además lo mantienen a salvo. Ya está familiarizado con los términos y peligros eléctricos. Tome este curso para aprender sobre la NFPA 70E y lo que significa para usted. ¡Mantenga el cumplimiento y manténgase a salvo! Los estudiantes idóneos son personas de todas las industrias, particularmente supervisores, trabajadores eléctricos y gerentes de seguridad.