Entre más personas cuiden la seguridad de su empresa, mejor será para todos. Tome este curso para saber cómo puede su empresa crear una cultura de reporte temprano para mejorar el desempeño de la seguridad. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen: gerentes, supervisores, miembros del comité de seguridad.
People, information, operations and systems are critical assets of an organization. Protecting the safety, confidentiality, integrity and availability of these assets is essential to maintaining profitability, compliance, public image and a competitive edge. Cyber security is the responsibility of everyone. This course will explain what the dangers are and what you can do to help. Ideal learners include all employees.
Most vehicle accidents are actually the result of human error. If an error is made at the wrong moment, an accident or collision will result. A consistent, defensive approach to driving is the best way to reduce the likelihood of driver error. The goal of this course is to provide drivers of large vehicles with the knowledge and safe driving techniques they need to prevent collisions and violations.
A split-second decision can change your life, especially when you are behind the wheel of a fast-moving, heavy vehicle. Take this course to refresh your memory about safe driving practices, particularly what you need to do before you drive, while you drive and in the event of an accident. Ideal learners include anyone who drives cars or other small vehicles such as small service trucks and vans.
Une décision en une fraction de seconde peut changer votre vie, surtout si vous êtes au volant d'un véhicule lourd qui roule vite. Suivez ce cours pour vous rafraîchir la mémoire sur les pratiques de conduite prudente, en particulier sur ce que vous devez faire avant de conduire, pendant que vous conduisez et en cas d'accident. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent toute personne qui conduit une voiture ou un véhicule léger.