Oil and Gas

Oil and gas industry professionals can rely on UL Solutions PureSafety courses to help reduce operational risks, maintain healthful working conditions and create new safety systems. These online, on-demand training courses offer in-depth exposure to functional safety standards and the complex regulations, audit requirements and regular inspections specific to the oil and gas industry. 

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Oil and Gas: Hot Work (US)

Many destructive fires are caused by hot work that generates heat and sparks. Take this course to learn about safe hot work procedures and practices that, when properly followed, can help ensure that you and your co-workers stay safe. This course is ideal for all employees and contractors in the oil and gas industry.

Oil and Gas: Hot Work Microlearning

Fire prevention is a core responsibility that we all share. We must understand what activities risk fires and the actions we can take to prevent them. Take this course to learn what hot work is and what to do before, during and after hot work to prevent fires. This course is ideal for all employees and contractors in the oil and gas industry.

Oil and Gas: Incident Reporting (US)

Reporting incidents helps us achieve our regulatory obligations, but even more importantly, it helps us identify where we can and should improve our safety practices. This course provides an overview of Company incident reporting policies. This course is ideal for all employees and contractors in the oil and gas industry.

Oil and Gas: Introduction to Safe Operating Practices

It's important that employees and contractors know and understand the benefits of having Safe Operating Practices. Take this course to learn about the purpose, objectives and expectations that we have regarding Safe Operating Practices. This course is ideal for all employees and contractors in the oil and gas industry.

Oil and Gas: Lockout Tagout (LOTO): Basics

Our facilities have procedures in place to prevent injuries to contractors and employees due to unexpected energizing or starting of machines and equipment, or an unexpected release of energy. This course covers the lockout/tagout procedures at company facilities. This course is ideal for all employees and contractors in the oil and gas industry.

Oil and Gas: Lockout Tagout (LOTO): Blinding and Isolating

Our Company has procedures in place to prevent injuries to employees and contractors due to unexpected energizing or starting up of machines and equipment, or an unexpected release of energy. This course covers the Lockout/Tagout Blinding and Isolation procedures. This course is ideal for all employees and contractors in the oil and gas industry.