Slips, trips and falls remain one of the most common causes of employee injury in the workplace. Understanding the actions you can take to prevent these incidents will help keep you and your co-workers safe and productive. This course provides a clear understanding of general guidelines for staying safe on walking and working surfaces. Ideal learners are all employees.
You may not think of warehouses as dangerous places, but materials, equipment and vehicles can be harmful if you do not practice safe work procedures, monitor your surroundings and correct unsafe conditions. This training will help you create a safe warehouse environment. Ideal learners are employees and supervisors who work in or visit warehouses.
No se piensa que los almacenes sean lugares peligrosos, pero los materiales, el equipo y los vehículos pueden ser dañinos si no practica procedimientos de trabajo seguros, vigila sus alrededores y corrige las condiciones inseguras. Esta capacitación le ayudará a crear un ambiente de almacén seguro. Los estudiantes idóneos son los empleados y los supervisores que trabajan o visitan los almacenes. You do not think of warehouses as dangerous places, but materials, equipment and vehicles can be harmful if you do not practice safe work procedures, monitor your surroundings and correct unsafe conditions. This training will help you create a safe warehouse environment. Ideal learners are employees and supervisors who work in or visit warehouses.
You do not have to be psychic to predict how things may go wrong. Take this course to find out how to adopt a WHAT IF? mentality that will help you avoid near-misses and serious incidents. Ideal learners include managers, supervisors and safety committee members.
Je hoeft geen helderziende te zijn om te voorspellen hoe het mis kan gaan. Volg deze cursus en ontdek hoe u een WAT ALS-mentaliteit kunt aannemen waarmee u bijna-ongelukken en ernstige incidenten kunt voorkomen. Ideale leerlingen zijn managers, supervisors en leden van het veiligheidscomité.