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Housekeeping on the Job

Good housekeeping makes your job easier, more efficient and, most importantly, safer. Take this course to learn some basic housekeeping practices that will help you stay organized and keep workspaces clean. This course is ideal for all workers.

Housekeeping on the Job (Spanish)

El buen orden y limpieza hace que su trabajo sea más fácil, más eficiente y, lo que es más importante, más seguro. Tome este curso para aprender algunas prácticas básicas de orden y limpieza que lo ayudarán a organizarse y mantener limpios los espacios de trabajo. Este curso es ideal para todos los trabajadores.

Hydrogen Sulfide Safety, Parts 1-2 (IACET CEU=0.1)

This 2-part course is designed to supplement the training requirements found in the ANSI Z390.1-1995.1 (R2000) Accepted Practices for Hydrogen Sulfide (known as H2S) Safety Training Programs and is intended for use with the initial H2S safety training program. Any worker who has the potential to be exposed to H2S at or above the Threshold Limit Value (of 10 parts per million) in an 8 hour workday must receive this training prior to working in that toxic environment, and refresher courses on an annual basis thereafter. You are required to complete all courses and pass all assessments within this suite in order to receive the stated CEU Credits.

Incident Investigation

Have you ever heard the old expression that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? We can apply that expression to safety in the case of companies that keep doing the same things over and over but somehow expect that their workplaces will somehow become safer. The bottom line is that we have to look at what we are doing and figure out how we can improve. That is why we have incident investigation and causal analysis! This course will explain how you can turn safety incidents into opportunities for continuous improvement. You will learn about how to gather information, find underlying causes and take corrective actions. This course is intended for all industries and construction employees, including managers.

Incident Investigation (Canadian French)

Avez-vous déjà entendu l'expression selon laquelle la définition de l'insanité consiste à faire et refaire la même chose tout en s'attendant à des résultats différents? Nous pouvons appliquer cette expression à la sécurité lorsque certaines sociétés font et refont les mêmes choses tout en s'attendant cependant à ce que leur lieu de travail devienne plus sécuritaire. Le fait est que nous devons examiner ce que nous faisons et rechercher la manière de nous améliorer. C'est la raison pour laquelle nous disposons des enquêtes sur les incidents et des analyses des causes! Ce cours explique comment vous pouvez convertir des incidents de sécurité en une occasion de vous améliorer de façon continue. Apprenez à collecter les informations, à trouver les causes sous-jacentes et à prendre les mesures correctives. Ce cours est destiné aux employés de toutes les industries et de la construction, y compris les responsables.

Incident Investigation (Chinese)

您是否听过这样一句老话:神经失常的定义是,不停地做同一件事,并期待不同的结果? 我们可以将这句话用在公司安全中,我们不断地做同一件事情,但却期待工作场所能够有所不同。 最基本的是,我们需要审视自己的所作所为,并且思考应如何进一步改善。 这便是我们进行事故调查和因果分析的原因! 本课程将会为您解释如何将安全事故转变为不断改善的契机。 您将学会如何收集信息,找到潜在原因,并执行纠正措施。 理想的学习者: 本课程面向所有行业及建筑工地员工,包括经理