Lithium-Ion Battery

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Large Lithium-Ion Battery Systems Part 6 of 6: Incident Preparedness and Response Planning

While lithium-ion batteries provide an effective and efficient source of power, the likelihood of them overheating, catching on fire, and even leading to explosions increases when they are damaged or improperly used, charged or stored. When incidents happen, it's important that you are prepared to handle them. Take this course to learn what you can do to prepare for an incident involving lithium-ion batteries. This course is ideal for manufacturers and frontline workers, shipping and receiving staff, warehouse staff, engineers, installers, service technicians and other personnel who interact with lithium-ion batteries.

Lithium-Ion Battery Awareness

Lithium-ion batteries, like the ones that power your portable electronics, are finding favor over traditional lead-acid batteries. These batteries offer many advantages but pose huge risks if not handled correctly. Take this course to make yourself aware of how to safely use lithium-ion batteries on and off the job. This course is ideal for everyone and all industries.

Lithium-Ion Battery Awareness (Spanish)

Las baterías de iones de litio, como las que usan sus sistemas electrónicos portátiles, están siendo más apreciadas que las baterías tradicionales de plomo-ácido. Estas baterías ofrecen muchas ventajas, pero presentan un gran riesgo si no se manipulan correctamente. Tome este curso para ser consciente de cómo usar de manera segura las baterías de iones de litio dentro y fuera del trabajo. Este curso es ideal para todos y para todas las industrias.

Small Lithium-Ion Batteries, Parts 1-6 (IACET CEU=0.1)

This course is divided into six independent modules that cover the topics of lithium-ion battery introduction, handling, transportation, disposal, and incident preparedness and response planning. Module 1 briefly introduces lithium batteries, including their characteristics and potential faults. Module 2 covers safe handling guidelines for most types of lithium-ion batteries. Module 3 is a brief introduction to the complex regulations for the transport of lithium-ion batteries. Modules 4 and 5 cover safe storage and disposal. Module 6 covers incident preparedness and response planning, including general steps for handling incidents, such as lithium-ion battery fires.