Driving and Transportation

Driving is something that many people do every day. In fact, for some people, driving is part of their job. When you are driving, taking your eyes and mind off the road for even a few seconds can result in an accident. By failing to give full attention to the road, distracted drivers put themselves, their passengers and everyone else on the road at risk. 

These courses are designed to help licensed drivers remember some key safety information. You can use them for initial training of new hires, refreshers for experienced drivers and remediation for drivers who are involved in near-misses or accidents.

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Distracted Driving (Spanish)

Al conducir, alejar la vista y la mente del camino durante solo unos segundos puede provocar un accidente. Si no prestan toda su atención al camino, los conductores distraídos se ponen en riesgo a sí mismos, a sus pasajeros y a todos los demás en el camino. Este curso presenta estrategias que los conductores pueden usar para mantenerse enfocados en el camino. Es ideal para todos los conductores.

DOT Driver Compliance (US)

This training covers some important U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) rules that all Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) drivers are required to follow. The purpose of these rules is to keep CMV drivers and everyone else on the road safe. Ideal learners are commercial drivers and their supervisors.

DOT Vehicle and Roadside Inspections (US)

This course educates commercial big-rig truck drivers and other personnel at trucking companies about the importance of vehicle and roadside inspections. This course will provide information about the items for which drivers or enforcement officers will check during an inspection.

Driver Fatigue (US)

Fatigue impairs the ability of a driver to safely operate a large truck or other types of equipment. It leads to accidents that cause vehicle damage, property damage, injury and even death.

Driver Wellness (US)

This awareness-level course is intended to provide commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers with information about how to improve and maintain their health. It will cover some common health concerns for drivers as well as things they can do to improve their physical condition.

Driving Safety: Changing Lanes (US)

Changing positions in the flow of traffic can be stressful. When vehicles are passing each other or merging into the same lanes, collisions are a concern. Fortunately, there are some safe techniques drivers can use to prevent accidents. This course is ideal for drivers in the United States and their managers or supervisors.