Construction tasks are vital to everyone, but they can be dangerous for workers. Take these courses to learn about important construction safety topics and how to work safely.
Each year, many workers are hurt or killed as a result of falls in the workplace. Falls are usually complex events that involve a variety of factors. This training will cover systems and procedures designed to prevent falls off, onto or through working levels. Ideal learners are workers who work at heights.
A worker falls, but his personal fall arrest system stops his descent. Now the worker is suspended in midair and screaming for help. What do you do? This can be a chilling moment if you do not have a plan. This course highlights common considerations in fall protection rescue planning and provides advice for reducing post-fall suspension trauma. It is ideal for workers, supervisors and managers.
Safety is key when you operate a field service crane. In these courses, you will learn about actions you can take, such as remaining alert to the work you are performing as well as your surroundings, in order to reduce or eliminate potential hazards on the job. If you have already received training and had hands-on practice, these courses will refresh your memory. If you are new to operating a crane, please follow up with your supervisor to identify what additional training and practice you need before you may operate a crane. This course is ideal for field service crane operators.
La seguridad es clave cuando opera una grúa de servicio de campo. En estos cursos aprenderá las medidas que debe tomar, como permanecer alerta al trabajo que realiza y también a sus alrededores, con el fin de reducir o eliminar los posibles peligros en el trabajo. Si ya recibió capacitación y realizó la capacitación práctica, estos cursos lo ayudarán a recordar. Si es nuevo en la operación de una grúa, consulte con su supervisor para identificar la capacitación y la práctica adicionales que necesita antes de que pueda operar una grúa. Este curso es ideal para operadores de grúas de servicio de campo.
Making poor choices during a fire emergency can make things worse instead of better. Attempting to fight a fire that is too big could put you in danger. Using the wrong extinguishing agent could cause the fire to spread. Take the courses in this suite to learn basic guidelines for making smart, safe choices in the event of a fire. This suite is ideal for anyone who works in the construction industry.
Las decisiones erróneas durante una emergencia de incendio puede empeorar la situación en vez de mejorarla. Tratar de combatir un incendio que es demasiado extenso podría ponerlo en peligro. Usar el agente de extinción incorrecto podría ocasionar el esparcimiento del fuego. Tome los cursos de este conjunto para aprender lineamientos básicos para tomar decisiones inteligentes y seguras en caso de incendio. Este cojunto es ideal para cualquier persona que trabaja en la industria de la construcción.