Life Science

UL PURE™ Learning has partnered with corporate and government clients in the Life Science, Health Care, Energy and General Industry markets for over 30 years.

We currently maintain more than 500 eLearning courses that are written and reviewed by recognized subject matter experts, including the USFDA. In fact, more than 1 million industry professionals, including over 36,000 FDA investigators, have completed over seven million courses since 2003. Courses are regularly updated to reflect the most current expectations and requirements of regulators and industry groups. Our global qualityand compliance management methodology has resulted in measurable performance and compliance improvements.

Our eLearning philosophyis based on Mastery Learning, which has been proven to improve retention and change behavior in adult learners through methods thatinclude interaction with dynamic content and built-in assessments.

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Doing the Right Thing: Anti-Bribery

This course provides basic training on complying with laws prohibiting bribery, including the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Because of the special circumstances facing employees in the health care field, this course is focused on issues faced in interactions with health care professionals as well as government officials. Topics in this course include: Legal Foundation, Laws, and FCPA in Action. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify and navigate situations that may be perceived as bribery. Learners will also be able to recognize requirements of the FCPA.

Driver Safety Program (DSP)

Traffic accidents injure and kill thousands of people each year. The majority of these accidents could have been prevented. This course identifies practices related with safe driving. Topics in this course include: Becoming a Safer Driver, Vehicle Condition, Aggressive Drivers, Impaired Drivers, and Problems. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify safe driving practices including driving defensively, how to handle aggressive drivers, and what to do in the event of an accident.

Electrical Safety

Almost every workplace uses electricity as its main source of energy. Working around electricity can cause significant injuries and even death, known as electrocution. It is important that we know how to protect ourselves against electricity. This course discusses basic electrical principles, how to identify potential hazards, and safe work practices. In addition, participants will learn how to respond to an electrical incident in the workplace.

Electrical Safety (Spanish)

Casi todos los lugares de trabajo utilizan electricidad como su principal fuente de energía. Trabajar con electricidad puede provocar lesiones importantes e incluso la muerte por electrocución. Es importante que sepamos cómo protegernos de la electricidad. Este curso expone principios básicos sobre electricidad, cómo identificar peligros potenciales y prácticas laborales de seguridad. Además, los participantes aprenderán a actuar ante un incidente eléctrico en el lugar de trabajo.

Essentials of an Effective Calibration Program (Korean)

Injuries, fatalities, or major class action suits filed against the manufacturer can result when products are produced with out-of-calibration equipment. This course identifies the essentials of an effective calibration program. This course contains references to both U.S. and EU regulations. Topics in this course include the four aspects of calibration, calibration standards, regulatory requirements, and calibration procedures. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize the reasons for calibration and the requirements and standards of effective calibration programs.

Essentials of an Effective Calibration Program (Japanese)

Injuries, fatalities, or major class action suits filed against the manufacturer can result when products are produced with out-of-calibration equipment. This course identifies the essentials of an effective calibration program. This course contains references to both U.S. and EU regulations. Topics in this course include the four aspects of calibration, calibration standards, regulatory requirements, and calibration procedures. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize the reasons for calibration and the requirements and standards of effective calibration programs.