Preventing Workplace Harassment - Managers (US)

Victims of harassment have well-established rights under federal law and, in many cases, under state and local law, too. And as a Manager or Supervisor, you have an important responsibility to both prevent harassment from taking place and to address it whenever it occurs in your organization. In order to meet that responsibility, you need to know what harassment and discrimination are, what laws prohibit discrimination and harassment in the workplace, what you must do to prevent and act upon workplace harassment, and how the anti-discrimination policy of your organization helps you do this. That is what you are going to learn in this course.

Product Specifications

Course Objectives:

  • Describe the laws that prohibit workplace harassment;State the legally protected classes;Provide definitions and examples of discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment;Give examples of quid pro quo and hostile work environment;Discuss your role as a supervisor in preventing workplace harassment and promoting respectful behavior;List the elements of a sound anti-harassment policy;State the actions to take if you become aware of workplace harassment
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