OSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting (US)

Accurate injury and illness recordkeeping and reporting can help your employer avoid costly fines from OSHA and can improve the information and data they use to make important decisions about workplace health and safety. Take this course to learn what to record and report and how to complete OSHA Form 300, OSHA Form 301 and OSHA Form 300A. Ideal learners are managers and employers.

Product Specifications

Course Objectives:

  • Identify which OSHA forms should be used to record work-related injuries or illnesses;Identify which injuries and illnesses should be recorded;Recall how to protect employee privacy when recording or reporting injuries and illnesses;Classify work-related injuries and illnesses;Recall how to calculate injury and illness incidence rates;Recall how to properly record and post injuries and illnesses
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Incident Investigation

Have you ever heard the old expression that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? We can apply that expression to safety in the case of companies that keep doing the same things over and over but somehow expect that their workplaces will somehow become safer. The bottom line is that we have to look at what we are doing and figure out how we can improve. That is why we have incident investigation and causal analysis! This course will explain how you can turn safety incidents into opportunities for continuous improvement. You will learn about how to gather information, find underlying causes and take corrective actions. This course is intended for all industries and construction employees, including managers.

Excavation and Trenching Safety (US)

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Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO)

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