Office Safety

Although accidents involving office personnel generally occur less frequently than mishaps to industrial workers, they do still occur and can result in serious injuries and even death. Office safety is the responsibility of everyone. You must understand what you can do to stay safe on the job, and you need to be aware of how to correct unsafe conditions. This course provides information you need to work safely in your office environment. Ideal learners include office, home office and remote workers.

Product Specifications

Course Objectives:

  • Identify common hazards faced by office workers, including slip, trip and fall hazards; hazards involving tools and equipment; and electrical, flammable and chemical hazards;Recognize the actions to take in case of an emergency;Recall how to use proper lifting techniques and recognize how to minimize risk potential for sprains, strains and hernias;Recognize the incident reporting process and identify when you should report an injury;Recognize safe practices in office parking lots and garages;Identify the proper personal protective equipment to use when visiting locations outside the office environment;Recognize how to stay safe when working from your home office or remote locations
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