Excavation and Trenching Safety

Excavation and trenching work is performed thousands of times daily, in all types of conditions. Unfortunately, many fatalities and work-related injuries are associated with excavation and trenching incidents. Cave-ins can occur suddenly, without warning, giving you little time to react. But their signs are present when proper safety precautions are not taken. This program has been created to increase your awareness and provide you with a better understanding of the safety procedures associated with your work. Ideal learners are employees who work in or near excavations and trenches.

Product Specifications

Course Objectives:

  • List the hazards associated with excavation and trenching work;Discuss soil mechanics and identify conditions that increase the chance of cave-in;Describe the role and responsibilities of the Competent Person;State four soil types;Describe four different types of protection systems;Discuss safety precautions and emergency response
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